INFO 🌸九州の美味しい桜肉&「サクラグラシ」のグッズをもらおう🌸【4/2まで】 EVENT 映画▶アーカイブ公開中👻🎬CUBE 一度入ったら、最後
Just Abby✌

コメント (166)

meet jesus hahahahahaha
I was thinking of making a whiskey and coke but my wall of expensive liquors are looking in disapproval
nangyari sa kanya ang "breakthrough".
we are fellow
my uncle had dialysis , then he was vaccinated and got covid but still he survive
jack 'n coke would be great rn
@melo_melo_zzz same chos hahaha
i like cola more than alcohol www
kasi if hindi natin magagawa ang herd immunity then it will become like tb, endemic na
yeah a lotta cocktails are for women
you're strong to alcohol w
swab test is more expensive than antigen test
to be honest, it is much better for all of us to be exposed with covid and vaccinated ,so the covid will become weaker,
do you know Cassis Orange and Fuzzy Navel?
they are cocktail
rapid antigen test can be done through blood or via nose. swab test is through nasal and throat
I'm not goot at driving alcohol, so i like Cassis Orange and Fuzzy Navel w
what is your favorite alcohol?
See? Not drinking = unhappiness